Back at the Bush

After almost 24 hours of travelling we arrived in London at 6am - too early to check into a hotel we dumped our stuff and went for a wander back to Shepherd's Bush.

Most is just the same:

Pennard Road and Sterne Street - our old places

and the old kebab shop - or for me a cone of salt and vinegar chips

Although a whole lot has changed!!!! There is a brand spanking new tube station AND and overland station

Also - a fancy pants new shopping centre. It was all a bit weird walking into a shopping centre a whole lot jet lagged and in desperate need of a shower and seeing Tiffany, De Beers, Prada, and Versace stores! Where have I been transported to - where did Shepherds Bush go??

Then there was this crazy new apartment complex across from our old flat on Sterne Street

Finally (this isn't really about Shepherds Bush) but McDonalds is green and EVERYONE is riding push bikes, and without helmets!! Lunatic Londoners!